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Advanced Embed Code

What is the advanced embed code and when should I use it

Updated over a week ago

Unlike the regular embed code, the advanced embed code uses a script that you will notice is appended to the beginning of the embed code. You can either enable Advanced code manually, or some features will enable it by default and you cannot turn it off unless you disable the feature.

Features That Require Advanced Code

Some options that, when turned on, will turn on the Advanced code by default. And when you go to your Publish options you will see it's automatically turned on. If Advanced Code is selected automatically when you open Publishing options, you won't be able to turn it off unless you turn off one of these features:

  1. iOS default video player is not being used on full-screen (you are forcing the Spotlightr player to be used on iOS in full screen). Remember there is a global setting for this as well as individual video setting for this. More info here.

You will need to adjust those settings before you can turn off the Advanced Code.

Also if you need to identify your viewers/contacts so that that information can be passed to Spotlightr then you will need to turn on the Advanced Code.

What Does The Code Look Like

Here is an example of our regular, default embed code:

<div style="position:relative; width:1px; min-width:100%;padding-bottom:56.25%;"><iframe allow="autoplay" class="spotlightr" allowtransparency="true" style="width:1px; min-width:100%; height: 100%; position:absolute" allowfullscreen="true" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" name="videoPlayerframe"> </iframe></div>

And here is what the Advanced code looks like:

<script src=""></script><iframe allow="autoplay" class="video-player-container spotlightr" data-playerid="MTIzNzI5OA==" allowtransparency="true" style="max-width:100%" name="videoPlayerframe" allowfullscreen="true" src="" watch-type="" url-params="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>

How To Turn It On

You can enable it in your Publish options under Advanced Options:

Additionally you can make the advanced code turned on by default for a particular theme.

Once enabled you will see Floating Video option appear as well:

Floating Video - This will make your video be always present and playing even if the viewer is scrolling down the page. The video player will just move itself into the corner of the page and will "float" down the page along side other content the viewer is viewing.

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