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oEmbed Protocol

Embedding the video player via the URL on platforms which don't support custom HTML / Script embeds

Updated over a year ago

Some platforms prohibit you from using custom code or simply don't have methods by which you can enter in simple HTML or Scripts to the pages which are on their platform. In these cases you can't use our embed code to add videos.

Usually for media elements such as video, they provide a "Embed via URL" function of some sort. This is the oEmbed protocol which feeds back the needed content for the player to appear on the page.

In the case of Spotlightr, you would use our Watch Page URL to add videos to these platforms. The platform then uses the oEmbed protocol to grab the video from the Watch Page and add it as an embedded video onto the page you are configuring.

Whitelisting oEmbed Providers

Each platform has it's own "whitelist" of providers they allow embedding from using just a URL. This is also done in the name of security and protecting the quality of the content on their platforms.

Sometimes a platform will allow you to whitelist a provider on your own, or at least request a provider to be whitelisted. So if you are only able to add videos via URL and our Watch Page doesn't work, email their support and ask them to add Spotlightr to their approved providers.

Many platforms use for this functionality. If they do then you should have no issues adding our Watch Page URL.

Spotlightr is a supported provider on which is the largest third party platform connecting media providers and content publishing platforms. This covers almost all major names in online content publishing.

WordPress White-Listing 

For Spotlightr to work with WordPress using our URL (Watch Page) the quickest and easiest way is to install our new Wordpress plugin.

If for some reason you do not want to install the plugin you can whitelist us with the following function:

As for example, if your Spotlightr subdomain was acmeinc

// Register oEmbed providers
    function custom_oembed_provider() {
    wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '', false );
    add_action( 'init', 'custom_oembed_provider' );

Should you experience difficulties with this, our support team is always here to help.

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