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Interactive Overlays & Annotations
Interactive Overlays & Annotations

Add buttons, links, images, opt-in forms, annotations, calls to action (CTAs), and even custom HTML to your videos

Updated over a week ago

Our overlays and annotations allows you to add all types of buttons, links, lead generating opt-in forms, and calls to action to your videos.

This is an overview of this feature. The article below will detail what each template does and what it looks like.

Template Types & Overview

Within the initial release we are providing you with 8 different categories of overlays and total 18 templates among those categories.. They are categorized and named in such a way as to easily find the one you need.

  • 3 Hotspot

  • 2 Text Link

  • 2 Image Link

  • 2 Button CTA

  • 2 Opt-in

  • 2 Coupon

  • 2 Annotation

  • 3 Custom Code

To access these templates simply edit your video and in the Player tab you will see the option for Overlays & Annotations:

Then simply click on the New Overlay button and you are presented with the Template Categories and templates underneath. Just choose a category that suits your needs. In this example the Text Link category is selected:

Now we'll take a look at each of the 8 categories and the templates available for each one.


Hotspots are a great marketing tool to point out certain parts or even products of your videos, provide a clear visual indicator, and then make it clickable. They can move and flow in your video through the use of keyframes as well, drawing alot of attention and thus increasing clicks.

The default hotspot is a yellow circle with glowing animation. The color can be changed on that or you can upload your own image to use as well.

Here are the different hotspot templates:

Hotspot link - This will allow you to add a URL destination to the hotspot. Viewers who click the hotspot will go that to URL. Please note that the video will pause when the hotspot is clicked

Here's a quick look at what that looks like:

Hotspot HTML panel - This will allow you add HTML which will appear when the hotspot is clicked. Anything from forms, surveys, quizzes, and even full web pages can be added here. Please note that the video will pause when the hotspot is clicked.

Hotspot change video - This will allow you to add a video as a destination for the hotspot. Viewers who click on the hotspot will be taken to that video that you choose.

Text Link

This category allows you to add text to your video and include a link which can be clicked by the viewer. The focus on these is text, without any images or buttons.

We currently have 2 different templates you can use for Text Links:

Full Screen Overlay - Here you can add text and a link that will show in the middle of the screen, with the rest of the screen greyed out to highlight the text and link.

Here's a quick look at the Full Screen Overlay:

Simple Annotation - This adds a simple piece of text which is clickable. It can be placed in a variety of spots on your video.

Here's a quick example of the Simple Annotation template:

Image Link

This category allows you to add similar overlays as the Text Link, but with an image included. The focus here is text as well as an an added image

Image Link - Similar to the "Simple Annotation" in that you are creating a simple piece of text. But here you are also adding an image next to it. It can be placed in a variety of spots on your video.

Here's a quick look at the Image Link:

Image Card - This will add a large sized card to your video, placed on the left, center, or right side of the video with an image on top and text underneath. Text includes a headline, sub-headline, description, and then a button which clicks through to a URL.

Here's a quick look at the Image Card:


Button CTA

This category allows you to add a call to action that includes text and highlights the button included.

Button Full Screen - Includes a headline, sub-headline, and button that is placed in the middle of the screen. The rest of the video greyed out while this overlay displays.

Here's quick look:

Button Bar - This will add a bar that runs the width of your video, at the bottom, middle, or top. Includes an image, text and a button call to action.

Here's a quick look:

Optin-in Box

This category is specifically for collecting email leads. You can create forms for collecting first name, last name, and email address. You can integrate with your email service provider and store your leads there as well.

Opt-in Full Screen - Displays your form in the middle of the screen with the rest of the area around it greyed out.

Here's a quick look:

Opt-in Bar - Displays your form as a bar that is placed at the bottom, middle, or top of your video.

Here's a quick look:

Hubspot Integration - Instructional Video

We have quite a few integrations which you can check out here.

Here we'd like to point out this extensive article on our HubSpot integration which includes our instructional video on creating an opt-in form with our template and integrating with Hubspot.

Coupon Box

These are similar to the Button CTA category except they are formatted to display a coupon and have the look and feel of a coupon, as opposed to a button.

Coupon Full Screen - Displays your headline, sub-headline, and coupon in the middle of the screen with the rest of the area around it greyed out.

Here's a quick look:

Coupon Bar - Displayed as a bar that is placed at the bottom, middle, or top of your video. Includes an image, text, and the coupon.

Here's a quick look:

Note Box

These are simple overlays with text only. No headlines, sub-headlines, buttons, etc. They can be used to give additional information to the viewer. Also can be used to introduce the speaker on video or to introduce part of the video. They are clickable but that is optional of course.

Note Box - Text only with a color highlight. Can be clicked through to a URL, but it's optional.

Here's a quick look:

Chat Box - Similar to note box but with added image. Intended use-case is to be used as a "chat" notification from the video presenter, but of course can be used for anything at all.

Custom HTML

For scenarios in which our templates don't exactly do what you need them to do, you can add your own HTML code in the form of an overlay;

Full Screen Custom - Add HTML to fill up entire video player.

You can add absolutely anything you want. Here's a quick look at how it looks with a contact form embedded into the video:

Box Custom - Add HTML configured to appear in a variety of spots on the video.

Again you can add absolutely anything you want. Here I just added a simple HTML table and put it in the top left corner:

Identify Contact - Here we also include a form that can be added to the beginning of your video to identify who is watching. The intended use-case here is for people who want to know the name and/or email address of the person watching, which will also appear in the video analytics. You can track them across all videos watched.

Here's quick look:

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