Spotlightr supports the privacy rights of its customers and their users.
A major part of GDPR is the rights granted to EU residents in regards to their personal data. Under GDPR, a user has the right to access their data (in a commonly-used and machine-readable format) and the right to be forgotten (have all of their personal data erased), subject to certain conditions.
In the case of Spotlightr, once a visitor has provided their email address to you via one of our opt-in forms, we can show you which of your videos they've watched, what parts they watched, and when they watched them. All of this data is available for export and can also be deleted.
Data Subject Requests
We're are committed to serving any data requests within 30 days upon receipt. Email us at your user's email address and instructions.
Spotlightr Cookies
For your awareness, Spotlightr drops 3 cookies for each of the viewers on your site. They are as follows
viewerId - used to associate different video views with one viewer
vooplayerVideo{{ID}} - used to determine watched part of video for auto-resume where left of on previous watch
_ga - Anonymized Google Analytics session ID.
Purging User Data - Right to be forgotten
We've implemented a simple method allowing you to honor 'delete my data' requests by associated email or IP address. This option is now available in all viewer profiles.
Optin Forms Consent
We've enhanced the email capture forms with an optional consent text and terms specifications as a second step process, requesting viewers to explicitly agree to stated details.
Anonymized Viewing
Spotlightr enables you to completely anonymize data that's being collected for your video viewers. When publishing a new video you can turn this option on and consequently obfuscate all personal and personally related information (I.P Address, Location Data, etc.)
Privacy Declaration
We do recommend you include something like this in your terms:
This website uses Spotlightr ( to power its videos. The Spotlightr platform tracks how you interact with the videos on this site: how much of a video you watch, at what points in a video you pause or rewind, etc. In some videos, we pause the video and request that you provide your email address or name. You are under no obligation to provide this information, but we reserve the right to limit certain videos to identified users. The Spotlightr platform aggregates the data collected through the videos here, including names and email addresses, and provides it to us. The Spotlightr platform does not sell or provide the data it collects to third parties.
Breach Notification
In the event of a data breach involving personal data (and ones that do not), we will contact you by email.
Third Party Data Processing Agreement