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Video Watch Page

Might also be described as share link, video page, share page, private share link, video landing page

Updated over a week ago

The Watch Page is a landing page that we create for every video that you add to Spotlightr. It's a great way to quickly share you video content with your audience without having to embed it somewhere. It's also used to preview your video as you configure it.

It's customizable so you can control certain parts of the page.

Here is an example Watch Page with the default Spotlightr settings. As mentioned above, the page is very customizable.

Customization options for your Watch Pages are done via the theme level for the most part. There are also a few options on the individual video level as well.

Here is what you can edit/change for each Watch Page at the theme level:

  • Page Title, Logo, and Favicon

  • Header background color

  • Headline font family, font size, and font color

  • Show/hide the plays count just underneath the player

  • Show/hide video title just underneath the player

  • Video background color

And on the individual video level:

  • The content of the headline

  • Add optional content underneath the video (HTML enabled editor)

Sharing & Publishing Your Watch Page

To get your Watch Page link, you can do so from your Publish options:

And go to the Watch Page tab where you can copy your link:

Editing & Customizing Your Watch Pages

Customizing Via Themes:

With our Themes you are able to create a theme for your Watch Pages that will

carry across every video you apply to the theme to. You can do a number of things by configuring a theme:

  • Page Title, Logo, and Favicon

  • Header background color

  • Headline font family, font size, and font color

  • Show/hide the plays count just underneath the player

  • Show/hide video title just underneath the player

  • Video background color

To add or edit a Theme go to your Application Settings:

Create a new Theme or Edit an existing one:

Inside a Theme go to Advanced Options >> Watch Page:

This will bring up your various settings and configurations:

You can expand the Headline options and Video options as well:

Configure your settings then click Save:

Customizing Via Individual Video Settings:

To access your Watch Page options in an individual video go to Settings >> Advanced Options >> Watch Page Content:

Here you'll configure the headline content and additional page content that appears under the video:

Watch Page Security

You can also completely disable the page from working if privacy is important to you and you only want the embed code to work.

This is done via your Theme as well. Navigate to your Theme >> Security >> Disable Watch Page:

Customize the URLs of Watch Pages

Use a custom domain for the URL of the Watch Page. This enables you to use a domain of your own instead of using Check our custom domain article for instructions.

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