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Moving to Spotlightr from vooPlayer
Moving to Spotlightr from vooPlayer

Helping you move your videos from vooPlayer to Spotlightr

Updated over a year ago

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Video share links & watch pages

All of the links you share using vooPlayer can simply be replaced by changing with, so if for example previously you had a link like:

you can simply replace it as

Embedded Players

If you have a lot of videos embedded on your site we've prepared a script which can help you update all of the players with one go. Simple place the following code anywhere before the player embed code. If you can, placing it in the head element or just after opening body would be ideal.

 <script>var newDomain="spotlightr.";var watchType="watch",observeDOM=(function(){var e=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver;return function(n,a){n&&1!==!n.nodeType&&(e?new e(function(e,n){a(e)}).observe(n,{childList:!0,subtree:!0}):window.addEventListener&&(n.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",a,!1),n.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved",a,!1)))}})(),handleSrcChange=function(e){e.src=e.src.replace(/vooplayer./g,newDomain).replace(/publish/g,watchType)};observeDOM(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],function(e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var a=e[n];if(a.addedNodes.length)
for(var d=0;d<a.addedNodes.length;d++){var t=a.addedNodes[d];t&&t.tagName&&"SCRIPT"===t.tagName.toUpperCase()&&handleSrcChange(t),t&&t.tagName&&"IFRAME"===t.tagName.toUpperCase()&&handleSrcChange(t)}}})</script>

If you are unable to add scripts to your sites or you wish to just fix each embed code one at a time, then embed codes will need to be manually adjusted by changing the domain.

Just change the domain from to here:


Making this change in Wordpress is quick and easy. You can add the script above into your header.php file, though we recommend you use a plugin to do this. If you decide to add it manually, please ensure it's done to the child theme.

Using a plugin

First install the Header & Footer plugin. Then add the code above to Every page here:

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