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Video Project Management

How to use projects and how they are used to organize your videos and themes

Updated over a year ago

All videos inside of Spotlightr must be inside of a Project. You can create as many of them as you'd like. You can keep all videos in just one project, or create multiple projects for courses, clients, subjects, etc.

Each Project also has a Theme applied to it. Once a theme is created and applied to a project, any video that is added to that project will get that theme. If you change the theme of a project, all of the videos in that project will get the new theme.

Create a Project

A Project can be created inside of your Spotlightr account from the Projects page. Just click on the New Project button on the top right:

Then you'll name the Project and choose a Theme. You can also use the default theme or create a new one:

We'll name the Project "Course 4" and choose the Spotlightr Green theme and click on Create:

When you create a new project it automatically takes you to the video upload page:

We're going to skip this for now, but we do have an article on uploading videos if you want to learn more.

Click on Projects from the menu:

Now you'll see Course 4 listed with 0 videos and with the Spotlightr Green theme applied:

Now you can continue to create more projects for your videos or upload videos to your newly created project. To add videos just click the + icon:

Or you can click on the number of videos of another project to see the list of videos under that project: Here we will click on the 7 Videos inside of Course 3:

From the project listing we can add more videos to the project or access some options for the individual videos:

Clone, Edit & Delete a Project

To clone or delete a project, just select the project and click on Delete or Clone at the top:

To edit a Project Name or change the Theme applied to the project just click the Edit icon here:

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