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On-Finish Action

Determine what will happen when someone finish watching your video

Updated over a week ago

By default when a video ends we show a replay icon in the middle of the player. You can change this behavior and have something else happen when the video is finished. This feature allows you to configure that..

This feature is located in both the your Theme as well as individual video options.

In your Theme just edit/create your Theme >> Player Settings >> On-Finish Action.

In your video go to the Player tab >> Advanced Options >> On-Finish Action.

If you configure it on the theme level, you cannot configure it on the video level.

You'll be presented with some options via drop-down:

Redirect to URL - This will redirect the viewer to a URL that you specify

Related videos - This will show a list of related videos at the bottom of the player. You choose the videos to show.

Reset video to start - This will reset the video to the beginning with the thumbnail and play button visible

End Card Content - This will show any content that you configure. We offer a WYSIWYG editor that is HTML enabled. You can also specify the background color.

Play Video Again - This will restart the video automatically, If the video is not paused or stopped, this will make the video loop over and over again.

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