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Audio Player

Embedding a podcast session, audiobook or music

Updated over a year ago

Spotlightr does support uploading audio files, both mp3 and wav. We listened to your feedback and implemented an Audio Player option for them as well. It is very convenient if you wish to embed podcasts, audiobooks or songs on your site.

Check out our blog post announcement for some examples.

By default when you add audio and publish it, the player will load like a video player and show a default image while the music plays. You can of course change this image by changing the thumbnail.

If you want the player to look like an Audio Player, you can activate the audio player with basic controls. This is done in your Publish options. Just activate the Audio player in your Publish options and then copy your embed code as you would a video.

Your audio player will look like this:

To change the colors of the player, simply apply a different theme to your Project.

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