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BETA Features

Upcoming features

Updated over a week ago

We are constantly collecting your feedback and using it to make decisions on platform improvements and feature additions.

In order to provide you with new, powerful features as soon as possible, we may release some features in Beta status. Beta features provide early access to new functionality that might be included in a future full-release. When a feature is in beta we will be sure to include a clearly visible label so that you are aware.

These features may not always work, and may not work in all use-cases, however, we are considering them useful enough to include as a temporary Beta feature.

The primary purpose of Beta features is to allow you a preview of what is upcoming and to enable testing in a real time environment. Our development team would love to hear how it works for you, so that we can use your valuable feedback to make technical improvements and integrate them into the application.

If you would like to submit a fresh idea about a feature which you would like to see in Spotlightr, please refer to this page.

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